Thursday, November 24, 2011

Fingerless Gloves For Craft Bazaar 2011

Here are a few pairs of my fingerless gloves I have been working on! I plan on selling them at the craft bazaar I talked about in my last post. I personally like the bulky yarn ones more, but the other ones seem elegant with the worsted weight yarn. These will be sold for between $10-$16. I still need to finish a few more pairs of thick, black and cream ones.

I have always admired fingerless gloves and was inspired to make a pair out of the December issue of Crochet Today. After some time working on one glove, though it was nice looking, using a sl st for the rows took a painstaking long time to finish. So, I had to figure something else out that was faster and more efficient. I read a few blogs on the internet and found a simple sc in the back loops only (sc bl only) works  great for what I was aiming for! It also gives the gloves an almost knitted look and feel.


Here is my display hand with a display glove on it. It was originally a wire sculpture I made in high school. I covered it in duct and packing tape to match the dress form and head piece display I made earlier. I am hoping these displays tie together my booth and promote the selling of my items a bit. I'll be sure to take a picture of my booth to show you in the future.

Meanwhile, I have been working on felt flower barrettes. I bought some from the craft store and said to my husband, "I wish I knew how to make these." My husband, being the super experienced smart guy he is, suggested we take one apart. So he tore one apart and we figured out how they were made! I have made 4 so far and it is easy for me to do while my crocheting wrist is recovering from over doing it! I plan on blogging about the clips in my next post. 

Thanks for reading!


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